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A specially formulated blend of digestible sources of magnesium, herbal compounds and B vitamins to gently induce a calm and controlled attitude in horses.

Magnesium Calmer contains magnesium from four different sources to ensure maximum digestibility for horses. In addition there are some calming herbs to relax muscles without making the horse lethargic.

Available in 1 kg tubs, 3 kg tubs and 15 kg bags.
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For Moody Mares. This is a soothing supplement for mares with PMS and hormonal imbalance. Helps to combat mood swings when even the most good natured mare can become a NIGHTMARE!!

This supplement has been extensively researched and refined using natural products to help remedy these problems. Nightmare contains a very comprehensive array of natural herbs, magnesium, trace elements, minerals, glutathione and other antioxidants.

A 750 g tub will last for 50 days at mid maintenance level (ie. 15 grams per day)
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A pure herbal multiblend liquid compound to help maintain a balanced hormonal system in horses. With Chaste Tree Berry (Monks Pepper), Dandelion, Raspberry, Chamomile and Skullcap for nerves and hormones.

Chaste Tree Berry is probably the most powerful product to help with a mare's monthly cycle.

Available in 1 litre bottles.
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1 litre bottle
This is an oral paste version of Serenity for use as a fast acting pre-event calming paste to be dispensed in the back of the mouth 2 hours before competition. This product can be used even if the horse is already on Serenity Ultra Calm+ powder. There are no contra indications for use in competition.

Available in 15 ml single serving and 30 ml two serving sizes
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A liquid calmer for horses with very digestible sources of Magnesium and Tryptophan.

Other inclusions are a blend of tinctures of Elder Flower and Elder Berry.
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To help induce calmness and tranquility without making you lethargic.

These capsules have a high specification with very digestible sources of magnesium, together with B vitamins and two important herbal compounds.

Available in 100 capsule tubs.
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100 capsules
Adding to its already formidable reputation, this new formulation now includes a very digestible form of Calcium. Our research has shown that this works in conjunction with the other active ingredients to combat excitability. It does this by inducing a calm and serene mood in your horse, without causing unwanted lethargy.

Based on the average horse:

A 1 kg tub will last 40 days.
A 1.5 kg tub will last 60 days.
A 3 kg tub will last 120 days.
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A blend of eight different herbs all noted for their properties in respect of calming to help the nutritional maintenance of the nervous system in horses.

With Valerian, Vervain, Golden Rod, Raspberry, Chamomile, Red Poppy, Lemon Balm and St Johns Wort.

1 kg will last 3 - 6 weeks depending on size of horse.
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Calming Advice


Horses and ponies can be shy or nervous about things for a variety of reasons, and it is not always possible to identify them. This means that solving the problem is often a case of trial and error. However, research over the years has shown us that a number of things can help in many cases: For example, we did a lot of investigative work on horses sweat to determine what they lose in body fluids. We found that they mostly lose magnesium. The problem then is to replace this magnesium in a form that a horse can digest properly. Many sources of magnesium such as calcined magnesite, magnesium sulphate and magnesium chloride are fine for cattle that have four stomachs to break it down but a horse has only one! Consequently, Serenity, our main calming supplement, is based on two sources of magnesium that are particularly digestible for a single stomached animal like a horse. This magnesium, we discovered, when combined with other amino acids, B vitamins and some herbs worked very well at calming most horses. We also produce an oral syringe version called Serenity Calm Down Paste, which is designed to be a quicker fix for horses and ponies that are a bit spooky before competing. It can be administered about two hours before, to take that edge off the horse without making it lethargic. Another reason for horses and ponies being nervous is a nervous rider, as the vibes from the rider are transmitted to the horse. For this situation we have two products, Serenity Rider Chill Out Capsules and Serenity Horse & Rider Calming Fluid. Many customers, who prefer a completely herbal answer to the problem of nervous horses, have successfully used our Tranquility Dried Herb Mixture and Tranquility Liquid Tincture to solve the problem. Finally, it is very important to distinguish between a general spookiness and a hormonal nervousness caused by a mares monthly cycle. For hormonal problems Nightmare Liquid, a total blend of important herbs, should be used for the duration of the cycle. Alternatively, Nightmare is a very comprehensive supplement, helping to combat mood swings not only in mares, but in stallions and rigs as well.

David Willey Sig

David Willey

Managing Director, Equimins Ltd

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